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On Friday, July 12, the Sabah Flying Club held its election to select the new Executive Committee and General Committee Members 2024-2025. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the newly elected members and express our gratitude to everyone who participated in the election process.

Start from Left-Side, Datuk Mahmud Amat Shah (President 2023-2024), Mr. Tai Kyun Vui(Honorary Secretary 2023-2024), Captain Shahdon Poong(General Committee 2023-2024), Mr. Nasiruddin Mosni(General Committee 2023-2024) & Mr. Richard Liau Vui Pin(General Committee 2023-2024).
Start from Left-Side, Mr. William @Jason Yong(General Committee 2023-2024), Mr. Leonard Chin Soo Hin(Honorary Treasurer 2023-2024), Mr. Philip Tze Tai Cheong(Vice-President 2023-2024).

Members of Sabah Flying Club registered for the election.
The Executive and Committee talk commenced, during which all members were invited to ask questions.

Stay tuned for more updates and information.

By Karina

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