AGM 2012/2013 Announcement
SABAH FLYING CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF 2012/2013 The 47th Annual General Meeting of 2012/2013 will be held on the 24th of March 2012 at the Sabah Flying Club Premises…
Launching of SFC flying activities at Kuala Penyu Airport
Great News! Sabah Flying Club will begin flying activities at the Kuala Penyu Airport with the soft-launch on 18th January 2012. The club chose Kuala Penyu because of relatively less…
Joyrides for Kudat school children 16-18 September 2011
Press release By The President: Leonard Chin Sabah Flying Club is actively promoting aviation among young people and across the State this year. In March of this year, the Club…
Kudat JoyRide
The Sabah Flying Club is organising a JoyRide at Kudat from 15 – 17 September 2011 at the Kudat Airport in conjunction with Malaysia Day and the Centenary Celebrations of…
StarMetro on Kudat Joyride 2011
ON THE FRONT PAGE OF STARMETRO (Saturday 1 October 2011) The Article
Tadika Titian Murni
Tadika Titian Murn (Stepping Stones), an Inclusive Pre-school in Kota Kinabalu had requested for help to support them in getting an additional teacher. The Club had during its Committee Meeting…